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A mother of pearl is considered to be organic and can be used in jewelry. Producing mother of pearl is actually extremely difficult and more often coral or ivory is used today. This is why these antiques are so valuable today! If you happen to have a real mother of pearl jewelry or in antique artifacts you are holding on to an expensive possession. Because of the mother of pearls beauty and value, restoring and maintaining special pieces can add even greater value to your item. Certain pieces that have fine cracks or any damage to the outside of the pearl itself should be handled by experts.
Attempting to fix pieces can result in even more damage. A professional will be able to properly sand, buff, wax and seal the mother of pearl for repair. They will also have the proper tools and technique to remove the precious pearl from its setting without any breakage. Very rarely a jeweler will have the tools or knowledge to repair any mother of pearls that are antiques. Colonial Restoration has years of experience in mother of pearl repair. Our experts have perfected the skill of correctly restoring and refinishing antique mother of pearl items to their original fashion.
Colonial Restoration works with antique mother of pearls in many different forms. It can range from jewelry to antiques of all sizes. Below is a photo catalog with items that have had mother of pearl repair. Each antique is as unique as the last and displayed a different challenge in order to restore it properly. Bring your cherished heirlooms and precious mother of pearl pieces to our trained professionals today!
The organic nature of mother of pearl makes it a beautiful concept for jewelry. Each piece can have different coloration too. However, the process to create it is more in depth and difficult than one might expect. When you have a lovely item made from it, holding on to it and keeping it looking great is important to you. This item may have been a gift to you from someone special in your life. It may have been brand new or it may have been theirs to pass along to you at some point.
Real mother of pearl items can be expensive and they continue to increase in value. If you have one, it is wise to hold on to it. Yet you don’t want to keep it put away due to the risk of damages or because it already has some blemishes to it. There is help though for you to pursue in the form of repairs and restoration. There are some amazing experts out there who know exactly what to do to make them look like new again!
The most common type of damage to mother of pearl jewelry is fine cracks. While they aren’t easy for someone to see from a distance, you will know they are there. They can make you nervous to wear the item out of fear they will get worse. It is wise to seek help for such damages as soon as you notice them. Those fine cracks can be filled in and repaired by an expert for you. It is very hard to even tell where the work was done, they are that good!
Blemishes with the mother of pearl can prevent it from reflecting light as it should. This can reduce the luster and overall beauty it should offer. Once the restoration process is completed, that will all be offered again. Don’t put these jewelry items away due to problems, get them fixed so you can wear them and enjoy them!
It can be challenging and time consuming to repair and restore mother of pearl though. It all depends on what is taking place with it and the size of it. An expert has various tools and methods they can rely on to get their desired results. They can help you to have a lovely item again you can wear as often as you like!
Since each piece is unique in design, it is best for them to look at it and complete an assessment. Based on their findings, they can share with you what it will entail to repair and restore it. They can also share with you how long it is going to take for them to complete the process. If you need the jewelry back in time for an upcoming event, you need to share that with them. Get it to them as soon as possible so they aren’t’ on a tight deadline to get it completed for you by then.